Magic World Championship Decks 1999: Jakub Slemr

Udsalgspris1.750,00 kr
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Magic World Champion decks are very unique relics from the early days of magic, where wizard used to release a buyable version of the top 8 decks from world championship as complete non-legal decks printed with gold-border version of the cards. 

This is the Mono-Black Control deck Jakub Slemr played in the 1999 Tokyo World Championship to a top 8 finish. The Deck uses Dark rituals to quickly power out and early Threat in Phyrexian Plaguelord or Phyrexian Negator. Then restricts the opponents ressources with Duress, Power Keg and Wasteland and refuels with copies of Yawgmoth's Will.

This product includes The 60 card deck + 15 card sideboard. It is still in its original plastic wrapping so all original content is included.

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