Sealed Strixhaven

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Strixhaven: School of Mages allows you to explore five different colleges. The different magical-colleges consists of two colors with their own unique playstyle and mechanics. The five colleges are:

Lorehold: Red/white
Prismari: Blue/red
Quandrix: Blue/green
Silverquill: Black/white
Witherbloom: Green/black

The five colleges were founded by and named after their own Elder Dragons. These Elder Dragons had their own unique magical powers , which the students of Strixhaven now try to master.


Magic Strixhaven Set Display

849,95 DKK

Magic Strixhaven Set Booster

44,95 DKK

Magic Strixhaven Draft Display

799,95 DKK

Magic Strixhaven Draft Booster

39,95 DKK
